Now that we're back on schedule, its about to get a bit rant-y up in here.
You see, there's a bit of backstory to this review, and I aim to do it not to attack any authors, but more to help them and possibly show people how to take criticism. More after the page break.
Alright, so there's this one story I happened to stumble upon called Pinkie's-Trauma, which I was going to review in place of this story, but I'll go ahead and summerize it here: It's sad for the sake of being sad.
Basically, it starts off with Pinkie Pie visiting a shrink and going under hypnosis, and thus our flashback begins in Baltimare, in a run down apartment with Pinkie, her two sisters, and her two parents. Her mother doesn't do much in the story, her sisters don't like her for some reason (maybe they just hate being happy), Pinkie's dad is an alcoholic (though I can't remember him doing any actual drinking in the fanfic; its more implied in the description and the only detail given is that he has bad breath) and a pedophile that likes to molest her and possibly her siblings (more on that later), and Pinkie acts just about the same.
See, according to the author, Pinkie Pie has always been a hyperactive ball of fun despite her environment essentially being a ghetto, and her parents have her drugged up on Ritalin because they're bad parents. Why do they act like bad parents? You tell me. Also, spoiler alert, Trixie lives in the rich part of Baltimare and is originally named "Trinity", and Pinkie and Trinity have this special thing with each other. This is prevalent due to the fact that there's a Romance tag and a Trixie character tag on the description page.
The explanation for Pinkie not remembering Trixie and these serious of horrible events? Her mind deciding to put these memories into a little black box in order to cope with it. It doesn't really explain why Trixie wouldn't remember Pinkie, one of her only best friends and childhood love, in Boast Busters and is pretty much a cop out in my book. Also, the Cakes are Pinkie's adoptive parents after the EFS (Equestrian Foal Services) arrest her father and take her other two siblings away from her.
The ending is abrupt and doesn't explain how Pinkie Pie could learn how to deal with the situation without forgetting like it never happened. Apparently this is based on real events that have happened to the author (whether its direct or indirect I'm not sure), and the way he deals with these problems is writing them out into a very sad fanfic. Gosh, maybe that moral should've been put into the story, not just "Pinkie is actually a sad and broken equine being because she has a dark and painful past" with no real resolution to it.
See, there's the problem right there. The author learned how to cope and deal with his problems in the past, but he never put that into the actual story. What's worse is he's basically inflicting pain and suffering onto himself in literary form (the author self-inserting himself as Pinkie Pie). Grand strategy there.
So I sorta brought this up in the comments section of his fanfic, and his reply was "Stop being such an asshole, maaaaan. This is real life shit right here and if you can't handle it, then tough! I chose Pinkie because she's my waifu, also go read this story."
So alright, I'll play along.
Turns out this story is even worse because now its Derpy who's the author's self-insert role now, and its about her receiving some "bad reviews" about a story she sent in to some writing forum (You can see the absolutely subtle symbolism here). See, she sends in some short story about a muffin from Muffintopia spotting a lost younger muffin and taking him under her wing after going around and failing to find the younger muffin's original mother. (I'd give it a 2.5 out of 5)
So Derpy (who live with her Grandpa in this story....when did she get grandparents?) decides to run into her room after reading such horrible trauma (see what I did there?) that there are other ponies out there that don't like her story and were less than polite about it. It also shows that the ponies that gave her bad reviews are nothing more than obnoxious, pretentious, smug meany-pies, because that's true, right?
So the story show her crying her heart out (which at first I thought meant that she was bleeding our of her eyes) and then....The End!
Yup, no solution for butthurt or sadness here. Just a big slap in the face for critics that leave less-than-stellar things to say about fanfics when giving criticism. The moral implied here is that you should always say nice things to people, and never say bad things at all, because they might hurt people's feelings! I think I have a rebuttal for this:
Pardon my use of capslock, but I think I've proven my point here. Sorry if this doesn't seem like my other more professional reviews and a bit more like a soapbox, but I think its very important for people to realize that you need to learn from your mistakes, not cry over them. That's how you become a better writer, folks. Also, when someone insults you indirectly, by this I mean not face-to-face, or even if they spit in your face and tell you that you can "suck a bag of dicks" (their words, not mine), you need to learn how to take that in stride.
In short, ask not for a lighter load, but a stronger back. (That's a Hebrew proverb I learned from Device Heretic)
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