Friday, July 20, 2012

The Good Ship Lifestyle

[Link to Fanfic Here]

Shipping is a delicate subject in any fandom, not just for Bronies, and most of the time has people divided. For the most part, when people think of shipping, they tend to associate it more with fanfics, and with a million dedicated fanbases, there's enough shipping, especially on the internet, to make the US Postal Service blush. There's no real right or wrong answer to it, either. You have people that want that don't like the idea of two characters from a show or series that aren't romantically together canonically suddenly swapping spit, even outright abhorring the idea, and then you have those who argue amongst themselves over which character is best paired with whatever other character. You also have people who are right in the middle of this debacle that couldn't care less.

Today's fanfic is an affectionate parody of shipping in general, but particularly with those craaaazy people that come up with ship pairings like LunaxApplejack or DiscordxCheerilee. (At least one of those is real) Does this deserve a read, even from fans that outright disparage shipping? Short answer: Yes. Long answer: See for yourself after the page break.