[Link to story here]
So there's a little backstory behind this fanfic as well, but it doesn't have to do with an author that can't handle criticism well. It has to do with a small experiment that FiMFiction pulled on their site, though. See, there was a group formed of twenty-five or so authors, under the name League of Extraordinary Gentlecolts (and one gentlefilly), who swapped stories with each other and basically did an experiment on Brand Loyalty.
See, this was under the guise of butterscotchsundae, an author more notorious for shipfics and more emotional pieces, so it makes sense in a way. She actually wrote the fanfic Fluttershy's-Infernal-Adventures, which was originally going to be called 'Fluttershy Goes to Hell', but that name was taken already. The actual author was Obselescence, who does more Comedy/Slice of Life stories with one or two Sad stories to boot. Don't you love all these hyperlinks that I'm throwing at you?
So how did Obselescence do? Find out after the break.