[Link to original story here]
Science Fiction can be a hard medium to write, but if you do it right, the result is very rewarding. With stories like Ender's Game, The Running Man, and 2001: A Space Oddessy, one can create a enduring a grand story with interesting worlds, spectacular technological advancements and gadgetry, and alien species which may or may not be humanoid enough to have intimate relations with. Even visual media has helped add to this wonderful genre with TV shows like Star Trek and Stargate SG-1 and movies such a Star Wars (which is technically 'Sci-Fi Fantasy') and a series of films our fanfic is based on: the Alien Franchise, specifically the first movie Alien.
So how do you mix Alien, a slasher film that takes place in a spaceship and contains lots of allegory for rape and sex, and mix it with My Little Pony? Simple: replace the word "alien" with "changeling". Seems good enough on paper, though how does the "Sci-Fi" element fair in this story? Not too well, unfortunately.